Noise, the popular Indian tech brand, introduced its latest smartwatch, the ColorFit Macro, to the Indian market. This sleek wearable combines a 2-inch curved display, Bluetooth calling, and a host of health and fitness features. Let’s delve into the specifics:
Pricing and Availability
- The Noise ColorFit Macro is priced at ₹1,399 and is available for pre-order on Amazon and the official Noise website.
- Strap options include:
- Silicone: Mist Grey, Space Blue, and Jet Black.
- Leather: Classic Black and Classic Brown.
- Metallic: Black Link and Silver Link.
Key Features of Noise ColorFit Macro
Feature | Specification |
Display | 2.0-inch HD TFT LCD screen with a 2.5D curved glass display and a functional crown |
Watch Faces | Over 200 cloud-based watch faces for personalized style |
Bluetooth Calling | Supports Bluetooth Calling via Noise Tru Sync technology, including Dial Pad and Recent Call History |
Voice Assistant | Equipped with an in-built microphone and speaker for voice assistance |
Health Monitoring | Continuous tracking of: |
- Heart rate
- SpO2 levels (Blood Oxygen)
- Stress levels
- Sleep patterns
- Female cycle tracking
- Breathing exercises |
| Sports Modes | More than 115 sports modes for effective workout tracking and optimization | | Battery Life | Up to 7 days on a single charge |
The Noise ColorFit Macro smartwatch strikes a balance between functionality and style, making it an attractive choice for fitness enthusiasts and tech-savvy users alike. 🕰️💪📱