Pebble, a domestic smartwatch brand, has introduced two new models, Vienna and Vama, that are specially designed for the modern Indian women. The new smartwatches combine elegance and functionality, and offer a range of features to suit the needs and preferences of women. The smartwatches were unveiled by actress Bhumi Pednekar, who symbolized the perfect blend of style and substance.The Pebble Vienna smartwatch has a premium look with a diamond cut design and metallic mesh straps in different hues. The Pebble Vama smartwatch has a curvy metallic dial and an AMOLED always-on display. Both smartwatches have a 1.27-inch HD display and a choice of silicone and mesh straps.
The Pebble Vienna and Vama smartwatches are not only fashionable, but also smart. They have Bluetooth calling features and voice assistant connectivity, along with smart notifications. They also have advanced health suite and female health monitoring features, such as menstrual cycle tracking, heart rate monitoring, blood pressure monitoring, and sleep tracking.
The Pebble Vienna and Vama smartwatches have a powerful battery that can last for up to 10 days on a single charge. They also have DIY watch faces that allow users to customize their look every day. The smartwatches are compatible with both Android and iOS devices, and support 38 languages.
The Pebble Vienna and Vama smartwatches are priced at Rs. 2,299 and Rs. 2,999 respectively. They are available on,, and retail stores across the country.
Pebble co-founder Komal Agarwal said that the new smartwatches are designed to cater to the lifestyle needs and aspirations of women who do not shy away from flaunting their fashion statement on their wrists. She said that the smartwatches are the perfect accessory for any ensemble, be it with a favorite black dress or a traditional wedding season attire. She also said that the smartwatches are the perfect gifting option for Valentine's Day.
Mensa Brands founder and CEO Ananth Narayanan said that Pebble has been catering to all segments of the young and new India. He said that Pebble's Vama and Vienna smartwatches represent more than just fashion accessories; they symbolize empowerment through technology, catering to the modern Indian woman's lifestyle and aspirations.