WhatsApp, the popular messaging app owned by Meta, has introduced a new feature for its Channels tool, which allows users to broadcast one-way messages to a large audience. The new feature, which is currently available to select beta testers on iOS and Android, enables the current owner of a channel to transfer the ownership to another user.
This feature can be useful for users who want to hand over the responsibility of managing a channel to someone else, due to various reasons such as lack of time, personal issues, or change of interests. By transferring the ownership, the original owner can ensure that the channel continues to operate smoothly and grow under the new leadership.
To transfer the ownership of a channel, the current owner has to go to the channel info screen and tap on the new option "Transfer ownership". Then, they can choose a new owner from a list of eligible users, who are either admins or members of the channel. The new owner will receive a request to accept the ownership transfer, and if they agree, they will gain full administrative rights over the channel. They can then manage the channel settings, information, and other admins as they wish.
The new feature is being rolled out gradually to beta testers, and more users will have access to it in the coming days. Users can join the Google Play Beta Programme or the TestFlight beta program to get the latest updates from WhatsApp. However, some beta testers may already have the feature if they installed the previous updates ( for Android and for iOS).
WhatsApp is constantly testing and adding new features to enhance the user experience and functionality of its app. Recently, it also launched a new tool that allows users to migrate their chat history from iOS to Android devices, and vice versa. WhatsApp Channels, which was launched in 2017, is a popular tool for users who want to share updates, news, or announcements with a large audience, without the hassle of creating a group chat. With the new ownership transfer feature, WhatsApp Channels will become more flexible and convenient for users.