Apple Vision Pro, the latest augmented reality headset from the tech giant, to his wedding ceremony. He said he wanted to capture every moment of his special day and share it with his friends and family on social media.
However, his bride was not amused by his choice of accessory. She said she felt ignored and disrespected by her husband, who seemed more interested in his gadget than in her. She also said she was embarrassed by the stares and comments from the guests, who thought he was rude and insensitive.
The bride's reaction was captured by a photographer, who posted the picture on Twitter with the caption: "Man wears an Apple Vision Pro to his wedding, and the bride's reaction is priceless". The tweet went viral, with over 50,000 likes and 10,000 retweets. Many people expressed their sympathy for the bride and their outrage at the groom. Some even suggested that she should divorce him or throw the headset in the trash.
The groom, however, defended his decision and said he did not regret wearing the Apple Vision Pro to his wedding. He said he loved his bride and his gadget equally, and that he did not see anything wrong with combining them. He also said he was proud to be one of the first users of the Apple Vision Pro, which he claimed was the most advanced and innovative device ever made.
The Apple Vision Pro, which was launched last month, is a wireless headset that projects a high-definition, holographic display over the user's eyes. It allows the user to interact with virtual objects and environments, as well as access various apps and features. The device costs Rs. 2,49,999 and is available in limited quantities. Apple claims that the Apple Vision Pro is the future of computing and entertainment, and that it will revolutionize the way people see and experience the world.